Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon's platform for eBooks and print-on-demand paperbacks.
- Visit Kindle Direct Publishing and sign in with your Amazon account or create a new one.
- Complete the account setup by providing following details.
-> Register your account on KDP and click “Update Now” to fill in further details.
-> Fill in the information required: Your country, name, address, and phone number.
-> Enter your bank details such as the account number and routing number.
-> In the tax section, specify whether you’re publishing as an individual or a business.
-> Enter your tax information such as your social security number or tax ID.
- Click on "Create a New Title" and choose between "Kindle eBook" and "Paperback." You’ll have to fill out three types of information: book details, content, and pricing. First, fill in the language, title, subtitle, and a short description of your book. Add the author’s name (a pen name, if you’re using one) and other contributors, if there are any. If your book is part of a series or is targeted to an age group, fill in those details as well.
- Title and Subtitle: Enter the book’s title and subtitle.
- Author Information: Provide the author’s name and other contributors.
- Description: Write a compelling book description. Use HTML tags for formatting if needed.
- Keywords and Categories: Select up to 7 keywords and 2 categories that best describe your book.
- Upload your manuscript
-> Upload your formatted manuscript in a supported file format (DOC, DOCX, EPUB, KPF for eBooks; PDF for paperbacks). -> You can upload a wide variety of file formats ranging from .docx to HTML. But if you’re publishing a reflowable eBook, you’ll have to choose between EPUB and KPF, since Amazon no longer supports reflowable MOBI files.our uploaded file should be a product of a thorough book formatting process. If it isn’t, you can use Kindle Create to format your book specifically for Amazon KDP.
- Upload your Cover
-> Upload a professionally designed cover. For eBooks, use JPEG or TIFF; for paperbacks, you can use a template provided by KDP.
- Amazon recommends that your cover must be:
-> A JPG or TIFF file
-> A size ratio of 1.6:1 (a height of 1,600 pixels for a width of 1,000 pixels)
-> Smaller than 50 MB
-> The minimum size Amazon allows is 1,000 x 625 pixels while the maximum is 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. 1,600 x 2,500 pixels are the ideal dimensions for a cover file on Amazon. If your cover meets these criteria, simply click “Upload your cover file” and wait for it to load. That’s it!
- Choose your royalty plan (35% or 70%) and set the book’s price
-> You have to consider several aspects while setting a price for your book: royalties, delivery rate, and international markets. Amazon offers a royalty rate of 70% for all books priced between $2.99 and $9.99. It’s best to price your book somewhere within this range since the alternative is a lousy 35% royalty rate.
-> Remember that a 70% royalty rate does not mean you’ll get 70% of your price. Even though we’re learning how to publish a book on Amazon for free, the platform charges a delivery fee for book distribution. Plus, taxes are deducted from the price amount as well. So your royalties can be calculated as:
Royalty rate x (pricing – delivery fee – taxes) = Royalties
-> Next, you need to consider the markets you want to target. If your primary audience is in the US, set as your primary marketplace. Select “All territories (worldwide rights)” so you can sell your book internationally. If you want to focus on the international audience, you can set different prices for specific countries manually. In case you’re not too sure about this, just set it to auto.
- Use the online previewer to check your book’s formatting and appearance.
- Once satisfied, click "Publish Your Kindle eBook" or "Publish Your Paperback."
-> Before you click “Publish Your Kindle eBook,” consider saving your work as a draft. This helps avoid errors and gives you a chance to review everything with fresh eyes. Double-check all details, including keywords and uploaded files, using the “Back to Content” button. Once everything is correct, publish your book. It will appear on Amazon within 72 hours to 5 days. Use this waiting time to plan your book launch and promotional activities.
- Use KDP’s promotional tools like Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions.
-> Offers a limited-time discount on your book.
-> Customers see both the discounted price and the original price, encouraging purchases.You keep a higher royalty rate during the promotion.
-> Make your eBook free for up to 5 days within a 90-day period.
-> Increases visibility and can boost reviews and future sales.
- Set up your Author Central profile to manage your author page and interact with readers.
-> Visit Amazon Author Central and create a profile.
-> Add your bio, photos, blog feeds, and links to your books.
Amazon KDP Print
KDP Print is a service within Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) that allows authors to publish print-on-demand paperbacks
Step-by-Step Process
Create a KDP Print Title
- Within your KDP account, select "Paperback" when adding a new title.
Enter Print Book Details
- Title and Author : Enter the necessary details.
- ISBN : Use a free KDP ISBN or provide your own.
- Imprint : If using your ISBN, enter the imprint name.
Manuscript and Cover
- Interior File: Upload your manuscript in PDF format.
- Cover File: Upload a print-ready cover using the KDP template if needed.
Print Options
- Choose print options like paper type, trim size, bleed settings, and cover finish.
Pricing and Distribution
- Set your list price and choose distribution channels.
Review and Publish
- Review your paperback using the print preview tool.
- Once satisfied, click "Publish Your Paperback."
Amazon Advantage
Amazon Advantage is a platform for publishers and authors with physical inventory.
Sign Up for Amazon Advantage
- Visit the Amazon Advantage website and create an account.
List Your Books
- Add your book’s details, including ISBN, title, author, and description.
- Provide product images and other metadata.
Ship Inventory
- Send your book inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment centers as per their shipping guidelines.
Set Pricing and Distribution
- Set your book’s retail price and choose distribution options.
Manage Inventory
- Monitor your inventory levels and sales through the Amazon Advantage dashboard.
- Restock your inventory as needed.
Benefits of Amazon Advantage
Global Reach: Access to Amazon’s vast customer base.
Fulfillment Services: Amazon handles storage, packaging, and shipping.
Sales Reporting: Detailed reports on sales and inventory levels.
Additional Tips
ISBN: Amazon provides a free ISBN for paperbacks, but you can use your own if preferred.
Author Central: Set up an Amazon Author Central account to enhance your author profile and manage your books.
Marketing: Leverage Amazon’s marketing tools and external platforms (social media, blogs, newsletters) to promote your book.
Translations: Consider translating your book to reach a broader audience.
-> PaperTrue. (n.d.). How to publish a book on Amazon. PaperTrue Blog. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from,for%20KDP%20Select%20%28or%20not%29%20...%20More%20items
-> Squibler. (n.d.). The definitive guide to self-publishing on Amazon [Step by step]. Squibler. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from
-> Scribe Media. (n.d.). How to self-publish a book on Amazon: Step by step guide. Scribe Media. Retrieved June 20, 2024, from [](