Set against the backdrop of Lahore's prestigious academic institutions, 'Yes Commando' unravels a chilling mystery where intellect clashes with ambition. When a promising student is found dead under suspicious circumstances, an investigation ensues, exposing a labyrinth of secrets, rivalries, and moral compromises within the university's hallowed halls. As the layers of deception are peeled back, both students and faculty are forced to confront their darkest truths and the lengths they will go to protect them.
This gripping tale explores the psychological complexities of its characters, weaving an intricate plot that keeps readers guessing at every turn. With its rich cultural setting and morally ambiguous dilemmas, the story offers a thought-provoking look at the price of ambition and the shadows that lurk behind the pursuit of knowledge. Perfect for fans of dark, character-driven mysteries, this novel promises to captivate and unsettle in equal measure.